Monday, 21 April 2014

Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakku Abusing Ayatollahs | Exposed

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We have witnessed many people now are trying to refuse the greatness of Wilayat e Ameerul Momineen a.s and Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakku is one of them. He has written many things against Wilayat e Masomeen a.s in his books. Najaf The Heaven, a team which is working against the false beliefs of Muhammad Hussain has been exposing Dhakkuism through many platforms and now the team of Najaf The Heaven has found a video in which Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakku is barking against Ayatollahs who allowed Shahadat e Salsa in their books and Fatawa. In this post we will provide our readers some Fatawa of Grand Ayatollahs who have allowed Shahadat e Salsa in Tashhud. But first have a look at the video in which Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakku (May Allah Curse Him) has abused Ayatollahs of the past and present who have allowed Shahadat e Salsa dar Tashhud e Namaz as Mustahib. Some of Ayatollahs have also allowed Tashhud in Namaz as Wajib. 

If the video does not work, Watch it here Muhammad Hussain Dhakku Abusing Ayatollahs 

Check out below some of the evidences of Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakku's False beliefs (Aqaid) from his own books. 

Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo Exposed by Najaf The Heaven
Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo is a Ghustakh e Ahlaybait a.s

Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo Fact#2
Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo  Exposed by Najaf The Heaven
Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo is Ghustakh e Ahlaybait a.s

Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo Fact#3
Mohammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo Exposed by Najaf The Heaven
Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo is Ghustakh e Ahlaybait a.s

Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo Fact#4 
Muhammad Hussain Najaf Dhakoo Exposed By Najaf The Heaven
Muhammad Hussain Najaf Dhakoo is a Ghustakh e Ahlaybait a.s

Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakoo Fact#5
Muhammad Hussain Najaf Dhakoo Exposed by Najaf The Heaven
Muhammad Hussain Najaf Dhakoo is a Ghustakh e Ahlaybait a.s

Now Lets see some hadees and Fatawa for reciting Shahadat e Salsa in Namaz 

Hadees of Imam e Jaffar e Sadiq about Shahadat e Salsa 
"Hazrat Imam Jafer Sadiq A.S sy un kay Sahibi Halbi ny pocha kia namaz may Ayma a. s ky naam lay sakta hon to Mola A.S nay farmaya” Khobsorat ker kay lo Ya mukhtasirun lo”
  1. Mun-la-yazul f aqih: Sheikh Sadooq: jild 1 Page 208
  2. Tahzeeb-ul-Ahkam fi sharah al maqnateh: Sheikh Tosi  jild 2, Page 326
  3. Al-Wafi: Mohades Mula Mohsin Faiz Kashani : Jild 2 page 134

The Rawi for this Riwayat is Halbi, Saqa 
  1.  Kitab Al Rajal-al-Najashi : Page 77
  2. Al-fawaid-ar-jalia: Ayat-ullah Syed Mohammad Mehdi Bahir-ul-aloom Tabatabai: Jild 1 pg: 214
  3. Tanfi-ul-maqal fi ilim-ur-rajal: Ayat-Ullah Jaleel abullah Maqani: Jild 1 page 74, 75
Shahadat e Salsa Dar Tashhud e Namaz with Reference

Some Fatawa of reciting Shahadat e Salsa in Namaz as Mustahib.
  1. Allama Mohammad Taqi Majlisi: Darul Fuqah : Page 29
  2. Allama Mohammad Baqir Majlisi: Bahar-ul-Anwar: Jild 84: Page 409
  3. Allama Jaleel Shiekh Muhammad Hassan Najafi Jawahir-ul-Kalam: Jild 3 page 346
  4. Ayat-Ullah Syed Mohammad Kazim Tabatabai Najafi: Hashia fiqa-ul-majlisi page 29
  5. Ayat-Ullah Syed Nasir Hussain : Tufah-e-Ahmedya: Page 213, 155
  6. Ayat-Ullah Syed Abdur-razak Najafi: Sir-ul-emaan:  Page 50
  7. Ayat-Ullah Shiekh Murtaza Al-e-yaseen Najafi: Sir-ul-Emaan: Page 75
  8. Ayat-Ullah Syed Ahmed razi-ud-din Mustanbit: Alqatra: Page 221
  9. Ayat-Ullah Hussain Nori Tabrasi: Mustadrik-ul-wasail: Jild 1: Page 232
  10. Ayat-Ullah Syed Mohammad Sherazi Najafi: Fatwa maksosa Shadat-e-salsa: Page 110
  11. Ayat-Ullah Syed Mohammad Sher-wadi Najafi: Fatwa-e-maksosa shadat-e-salsa : Page 109
  12. Ayat-Ullah Syed Mohammad Jawad Tabrezi Najafi Fatwa-e-maksosa shadat-e-salsa Page 110
  13. Ayat-Ullah Syed Mohammad Hasni Bagdadi Najafi Fatwa-e-maksosa shadat-e-salsa Page 110
  14. Ayat-Ullah Syed Nasur-ullah Mustanbit Najafi: Fatwa-e-maksosa shadat-e-salsa Page 111
  15. Ayat-Ullah Syed Mohammad Tabatabai damishiq Sham: Risala Amlia: Matboya Beroot
  16. Ayat-Ullah Syed Sheikh Mohammad Raza mohaqaq tehrani: Khulasa Al-Haqaiq Shareh-ul-Sharah: Jild 1 page: 255
  17. Ayat-Ullah Bahrani: Kitab Al-Hidaik: Jild 8: page 548

Read book Shahadat e Salsa ka Jawaaz Dar Tashhud e Namaz

Don't forget to share this post with your friends and family. Let others know about the false beliefs of Muhammad Hussain Najafi Dhakku. 
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Sunday, 12 January 2014

Shia Azan - Call For Prayer | Listen Online and Download MP3 Audio File

Shia Azan (Call for Prayer) download mp3 audio file and listen onlin
Azan is one of the integral part of Islam. It is the way to call people for the Namaz to the mosque and offer the prayers. Ahlaybait a.s Book presents people to free download mp3 audio file and listen online Shia Azan and call for prayers. So, listen Shia Azan and share it with your friends and family as much you can and call them to the right path which is Mosque and Imam Bargah


Don't forget to share Shia Azan (call for prayer) on your social network and tell your friends and family to listen it online or download mp3 audio file for free for mobile and as ringtone. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest.

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Thursday, 9 January 2014

Ziarat e Ashura | Download Mp3 Audio File and Listen Online

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Listen online and Download mp3 audio file of Ziarat e Ashura
Ziarat e Ashura is one of the important ziarats that we must recite on daily basis. Download mp3 audio file of Ziarat e Ashura or you can listen Ziarat e Ashura online at Ahlaybait a.s Book. After listening Ziarat e Ashura, you may also listen Ziarat e Imam Hussain a.s also called Ziarat e Warisa here


Don't forget to share Ziarat e Ashura on your social network because it is a sadqa e jaria and you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Ziarat e Warisa - Ziarat e Imam Hussain a.s | Listen Online and Download MP3 Audio File

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Ziarat e Imam Hussain a.s is also called Ziarat e Warisa. Reciting this can be very beneficial for you and it can make your day as better as you want. So, online listen Ziarat e Imam Hussain a.s which is also known as Ziarat e Warisa  at Ahlaybait a.s Book and you can also download Ziarat e Imam Hussain a.s (Ziarat e Warisa)  mp3 audio file below. After it you can also listen and download Ziarat e Ashura here

Don't forget to share Ziarat e Warisa on your social network because it is a sadqa e jaria and you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Download and Listen Online All Nadeem Sarwar 2013/14 Album Nohay

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Nadeem Sarwar 2014 Nohay Album mp3 Download and online listen
Image Credit to Official Nadeem Sarwar Website
Nadeem Sarwar is one of the best Noha Khuwans of the world. In fact he is the best one now a day. His both sons Ali Jee and Ali Shanawar are also becoming famous day by day. Nadeem Sarwar has always served the mission of Ahlaybait a.s by his spreading the true message of Imam e Hussain a.s through his worth listening voice. Today we are going to share his most recent nohay album with our viewers and readers. So, from now on, you can download and listen online  Nadeem Sarwar 2013/14 album mp3 nohay on Ahlaybait A.S Book. Don't forget to share this post with your frieds and family.

Note: After playing the noha, wait for 5 to 10 seconds due to the buffering.

1. Allah Allah Min Ras al Hussain a.s 2013/14 Noha by Nadeem Sarwar (listen online and download)

2. Ali Asadullah a.s Ali Waliullah a.s 2013/14 Noha by Nadeem Sarwar (listen online and download)

3. Alamdar a.s Na Aya 2013/14 Noha by Nadeem Sarwar (listen online and download)

4. Ali Akbar e Hussain a.s 2014 Noha By Ali Shanawar (listen online and download)

5. Live Like Ali a.s Die Like Hussain  Noha By Ali Shanawar (listen online and download)

6. Zuljenah 2014 Noha by Ali Jee (listen online and download)

7. Haye jab main imam bana 2013/2014 Nadeem Sarwar (listen online and download)

8. Baba Baba Hussain a.s noha by Nadeem Sarwar (listen online and download)

9. Majboor Zainab a.s 2013/14 Noha By Nadeem Sarwar (listen online and download)

10. Abbas a.s Ammu Janam 2013/14 Noha by Ali Jee (listen online and download)

11. Kya Hum Bhi Tumhain 2013/14 Noha By Ali Shanawar (listen online and download)

Thanks for visiting Ahlaybait a.s Book and also thanks for listening and downloading all new 2013/14 noha album of Nadeem Sarwar and his both sons Ali Jee and Ali Shanawar. Don't forget to share this post with all your friends and family on social network. and also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Nadeem Sarwar 2014 Nohay Album Exclusive Promo Launched

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Safeer e Aza Nadeem Sarwar has just launched his exclusive 2014 Nohay Album Promo. This promo is considered by a short one and one more promo will be launched after 1 or 2 days which will be longer than this one. So, watch Nadeem Sarwar 2014 Nohay Album Promo only on Ahlaybait a.s Book.

Salam Bar Karbala, Salam Bar Ashura
Keep visiting our blog and get new updates about the new Nadeem Sarwar 2014 Nohay Album.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Allama Talib Johri Majalis

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Proving the facts and figures through Quranic verses and Ahadees e Mubaraka is the style of addressing a Majlis of Allama Talib Johri. He was the student of Allama Syed Shabbeer Hassan Najafi (Late) and he learnt a lot from him. Watch Allama Talib Johri Majalis given below.

 Majlis No 1:-   Chehlum Imam Hussain a.s by Allama Talib Johri