Allah has
bestowed humankind thousands of gifts. Precious Gems are one of them. Some of
these Gems are valuable and some are not. The beauty of the Ruby is discussed
in the Qur'an as Naimah:
"As though (in Good looks) they are like Rubies and Coral"Rasulullah
(S) says:
"This gem is superior (in its benefits) to all".
Abi Abdillah Imam Jafar Assadiq has transmitted from Amir al Muminin:
"It removes poverty and tension".
"Al Shakhs al Fazil Saheb al Rasail" has explained:
"The Ruby is the most superior of all the Gems. It acquired this status
because it is believed to be the only Gem that submitted first to Tawhid and
extended Walayat.
"Al Shakhs al Fazil Saheb al Rasail" has mentioned that the Ruby is a
very hard stone and even hitting it with a hammer will not break. A Flawless
Ruby is more valuable than a diamond. In Sanskrit, Ruby is called Ratna Raj
(King of Precious Gems). Ruby is said to change its depth of colour according
to the health of the wearer.
Rubies are today still more valuable and rare than even the top quality
colourless diamonds. Sizes above five carats are particularly rare. The Bible
and Sanskrit literature depict the Ruby as the most precious of all gems. Its
colour varies from purplish and bluish red to orange-red in medium to dark
hues. The most famous source for natural gem-quality Ruby is the old mine of
Myanmar (Burma). Rubies of the best quality have also come from Afghanistan,
Kashmir, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Africa,
Asia, Palmer, Vietnam and China. It has a striking luster. Like Sapphire, the
Ruby can also be found in a translucent variety that may display a six-rayed
star effect when cut into a cabochon (dome) shape, known as star Ruby. When
buying star Rubies, look for a star that has straight legs that are all of
equal clarity. A Persian poet says correctly:
"Sal'ha Ba'yad Ke Bar Yak Sang Ta'abadi Aft'ab;
La'al Gardad Dar Badakhshan Ya Aqiq Andar Yemen"
Many thousand years, heat of the Sun treated stones; afterwards Ruby was found
in Badakhshan and Cornelian in Yemen.
is important to buy Ruby from a reputable source that can provide, in writing,
all pertinent information regarding the Gem including enhancements and special
care notes. The Christian Book of Proverbs states: [19]
"A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman is more precious than jewels
and her value is far above Rubies."
A Ruby of pigeon red blood colour symbolizes courage and bravery. The
celebrated brilliant scholar of Muslim Sciences, around two centuries ago in
the Indian Subcontinent, Syedi Ibrahim Saify has provided us a unique narration
regarding the birth of Ruby. He has mentioned:
"When Adam (A.S.) was deported from the Jannah he arrived in Sirandip (Sri
Lanka) and stayed at mount Sirandip. Due to the blessed touch of his feet, Ruby
was created".
Husain had worn a ring of Ruby on 10th Muharram, day of his Shahadah. One of
the reasons to turn the ring face in Dua is to look at Gem, which strengthens
the eyesight. According to the tradition of Ahl al Bait, wearing a ring of
Ruby, stops worries. It eases difficulty.
Syedi Ibrahim Saify has also discussed numerous benefits of Ruby in his
valuable non-published work, "Marifat al Jawahir" as follow:
• Prevents loss of blood, helpful to cure blood diseases & stops bleeding
• Cure the heart diseases
• According to Ahl al Bait, if benefits of all the Gems are calculated, the
significance and value of the Ruby would be superior.
• Negates poisons, and if the wearer visits out of station he remains secure
from diseases and even if he visits an affected town where there is an epidemic
disease he will be protected and cured soon.
• Extends the time of pleasure in private meeting of spouse.
Removes long term fever and protects from nightmares
• Establishes prestige and dignity among the people and makes easy to solve the
• According to "Saheb al Qaratis al Yemeniyah" it has been used to
protect the wearer in times of disputes and wars. Arab warriors wore Rubies,
which touched their skin and stimulated energy and courage in battle
• Ruby has power to stimulate libido & extend the time of pleasure
• This Gem was thought
to attract and maintain love and friendship
• Ruby would warn its owner against danger through senses.
Ensure good health & Bring peace
• Just by gazing at it, Noor of the eyes is enhanced.
• A Ruby worn around the neck of a child protects it from diseases and if worn
around the waist of an expectant mother prevents accidental abortion.
Ruby And our Imams (A.S) |
1) Imam Hussain (a.s.)
had worn a ring of Ruby on 10th Muharram, day of HIS Shahadat
2) When Adam (A.S.) was deported from the Jannah he arrived in Sirandip (Sri Lanka) and stayed at mount Sirandip. Due to the blessed touch of his feet, Ruby was created". 3) Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s.) used to wear Ruby stone and it is the ring that he gave away to the beggar in the state of ruk'uu. Hazrat Imam Raza (a.s.) has recommended it for all mo'amins. In Surah Ar Rahman: Ka anna hunnal yaqutu wal marjan |