Sunday, 27 March 2011

Yaqoot (Ruby) .. The Stones

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Allah has bestowed humankind thousands of gifts. Precious Gems are one of them. Some of these Gems are valuable and some are not. The beauty of the Ruby is discussed in the Qur'an as Naimah:
"As though (in Good looks) they are like Rubies and Coral"Rasulullah (S) says:
"This gem is superior (in its benefits) to all".
Abi Abdillah Imam Jafar Assadiq has transmitted from Amir al Muminin:
"It removes poverty and tension".
"Al Shakhs al Fazil Saheb al Rasail" has explained:
"The Ruby is the most superior of all the Gems. It acquired this status because it is believed to be the only Gem that submitted first to Tawhid and extended Walayat.

"Al Shakhs al Fazil Saheb al Rasail" has mentioned that the Ruby is a very hard stone and even hitting it with a hammer will not break. A Flawless Ruby is more valuable than a diamond. In Sanskrit, Ruby is called Ratna Raj (King of Precious Gems). Ruby is said to change its depth of colour according to the health of the wearer.
Rubies are today still more valuable and rare than even the top quality colourless diamonds. Sizes above five carats are particularly rare. The Bible and Sanskrit literature depict the Ruby as the most precious of all gems. Its colour varies from purplish and bluish red to orange-red in medium to dark hues. The most famous source for natural gem-quality Ruby is the old mine of Myanmar (Burma). Rubies of the best quality have also come from Afghanistan, Kashmir, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Africa, 

Central Asia, Palmer, Vietnam and China. It has a striking luster. Like Sapphire, the Ruby can also be found in a translucent variety that may display a six-rayed star effect when cut into a cabochon (dome) shape, known as star Ruby. When buying star Rubies, look for a star that has straight legs that are all of equal clarity. A Persian poet says correctly:
"Sal'ha Ba'yad Ke Bar Yak Sang Ta'abadi Aft'ab;
La'al Gardad Dar Badakhshan Ya Aqiq Andar Yemen"
Many thousand years, heat of the Sun treated stones; afterwards Ruby was found in Badakhshan and Cornelian in Yemen.

It is important to buy Ruby from a reputable source that can provide, in writing, all pertinent information regarding the Gem including enhancements and special care notes. The Christian Book of Proverbs states: [19]
"A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman is more precious than jewels and her value is far above Rubies."

A Ruby of pigeon red blood colour symbolizes courage and bravery. The celebrated brilliant scholar of Muslim Sciences, around two centuries ago in the Indian Subcontinent, Syedi Ibrahim Saify has provided us a unique narration regarding the birth of Ruby. He has mentioned:
"When Adam (A.S.) was deported from the Jannah he arrived in Sirandip (Sri Lanka) and stayed at mount Sirandip. Due to the blessed touch of his feet, Ruby was created".

Imam Husain had worn a ring of Ruby on 10th Muharram, day of his Shahadah. One of the reasons to turn the ring face in Dua is to look at Gem, which strengthens the eyesight. According to the tradition of Ahl al Bait, wearing a ring of Ruby, stops worries. It eases difficulty.
Syedi Ibrahim Saify has also discussed numerous benefits of Ruby in his valuable non-published work, "Marifat al Jawahir" as follow:
• Prevents loss of blood, helpful to cure blood diseases & stops bleeding
• Cure the heart diseases
• According to Ahl al Bait, if benefits of all the Gems are calculated, the significance and value of the Ruby would be superior.
• Negates poisons, and if the wearer visits out of station he remains secure from diseases and even if he visits an affected town where there is an epidemic disease he will be protected and cured soon.
• Extends the time of pleasure in private meeting of spouse.

• Removes long term fever and protects from nightmares
• Establishes prestige and dignity among the people and makes easy to solve the problems
• According to "Saheb al Qaratis al Yemeniyah" it has been used to protect the wearer in times of disputes and wars. Arab warriors wore Rubies, which touched their skin and stimulated energy and courage in battle
• Ruby has power to stimulate libido & extend the time of pleasure

• This Gem was thought to attract and maintain love and friendship
• Ruby would warn its owner against danger through senses.
Ensure good health & Bring peace
• Just by gazing at it, Noor of the eyes is enhanced.
• A Ruby worn around the neck of a child protects it from diseases and if worn around the waist of an expectant mother prevents accidental abortion.

Ruby And our Imams (A.S)

1) Imam Hussain (a.s.) had worn a ring of Ruby on 10th Muharram, day of HIS Shahadat

2) When Adam (A.S.) was deported from the Jannah he arrived in Sirandip (Sri Lanka) and stayed at mount Sirandip. Due to the blessed touch of his feet, Ruby was created".

3) Hazrat Imam Ali (a.s.) used to wear Ruby stone and it is the ring that he gave away to the beggar in the state of ruk'uu. Hazrat Imam Raza (a.s.) has recommended it for all mo'amins. In Surah Ar Rahman: Ka anna hunnal yaqutu wal marjan


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Quranic Verses About Hazrat Ali a.s

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Quranic Verses about Hazrat Ali a.s

To prove the caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Shiites have had recourse to Quran verses, including the following: " Your master [wali] can be only Allah; and His messenger and the those who believe, who establish worship and pay the poor due, and bow down (in prayer) [or, and this reading is accepted by 'Allamah Tabataba'i: "... pay the poor due while bowing down (in prayer)"]" (Quran, V, 55). Shi'ite and Sunni commentators alike agree that this verse was revealed concerning Ali ibn Abi Talib, and many Shi'ite and Sunni traditions exist supporting this view. Abu Dharr Ghafafi has said: “One day we prayed the noon prayer with the Prophet (SW). A person in need asked people to help him, but no one gave him anything. The person raised his hands to the sky saying, 'Oh God! Bear witness that in the mosque of the Prophet (SW) that no one gave me anything.' Ali ibn Abi 
Talib was in the bowing position of the prayer. He pointed with his finger outwards towards the person, who then took his ring and left. The Prophet (SW), who was observing the scene raised his   head toward heaven and said: ' Oh God! My brother Moses said to Thee, "Expand my breast and make easy my tasks and make my tongue eloquent so that they will comprehend my words, and make my brother, Harun, my help and vizier" [cf. Quran, XXVIII, 35]. Oh God! I am also Thy prophet; expand my breast and make easy my tasks make Ali my vizier and helper.'" Abu Dharr says, "The words of the Prophet had not as yet finished when the verse [cited above] was revealed."
   Another verse which the Shiites considers as proof of the caliphate of Ali is this: " This day those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fears me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you as religion AL-ISLAM" (Quran, V,3). The obvious meaning of this verse is that before that particular day the infidels had hopes that a day would come when Islam would die out, but God through the actualization of a particular event made them lose forever the hope that Islam would be destroyed. This very event is the cause of the strength and perfection of Islam and of necessity could be a minor occasion such as the proclaim of one of the injunctions of religion. Rather, it was a matter of such importance that the continuation of Islam depended upon it. This verse seems to be related to another verse which comes toward the end of the same chapter: "O Messenger! Make known that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord, for if thou do it not, thou will not have conveyed His message, Allah will protect thee from mankind." (Quran, V,67).
 This verse indicates that God commanded a mission of great concern and importance to the Prophet (SW) that if not accomplished would endanger the basis of Islam and prophecy. But, the matter was so important that the Prophet (SW) feared opposition and interference and in awaiting suitable circumstances delayed it - until there came a definite and urgent order from God to execute this command without delay and not to fear anyone. This matter also was not just a particular regligious injunction in the ordinary sense, for to preach one or several religious injuncations is not so vital, that if a single one of them was not preached it would cause the destruction of Islam. The Prophet (SW) of Islam did not fear anyone in preaching the injunc- tions and laws of religion. These indications and witnesses add weight to the Shi'ite tradi- tions which asset that these verses were revealed at Ghadir Khoum and concern the spiritual investiture (walayat) of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Moreover, many Shiites and Sunnis commentators have confirmed this point.
   Abu Said Khudari says: "The Prophet (SW) in Ghadir Khumm invited people toward Ali and took his arm and lifted it so high that the white spot on the armpit of the Prophet (SW) could be seen. Then this verse was revealed: 'This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you as religion Al-ISLAM.' Then the Prophet (SW) said, 'God is great (Allahu akbar) that religion has become perfected and that God's bounty has been completed, His satisfaction attained and the walayat of Ali achieved.' Then he added, 'For whomever I am the authority and guide Ali is also his guide and authority. Oh God! Be friendly with the friends of Ali and the enemy of his enemies. Whoever helps, help him, and whoever leaves him, leave him.' "
In a summary, we can say that the enemies of Islam who did everything possible to destroy it, when they lost all hope of achieving this end, were left with only one hope. They though that since the protector of Islam was the Prophet (SW), after his death Islam would be left without a guide and leader; and thus, definitely perish. But, at Ghadir Khumm their hopes were brought to end as the Prophet (SW) presented Ali as the guide and leader of Islam to the people. After Ali, this heavy and necessary duty of guide and leader was left upon the shoulders of his family.


Sayings of Imam Ali a.s

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Hazrat Ali a.s is the door of Prophet's SAWW city of knowledge. Ahlaybait a.s Book is presenting some of the sayings and quotes of Hazrat Imam Ali a.s before our readers. Please spread these words of wisdom with everybody by sharing this post with your friends and family.

Hazrat Ali a.s Sayings and Quotes at Ahlaybait a.s Book

  • Anger is a kind of insanity because it makes you feel sorry afterwards. However, if you do not feel sorry, your lunacy is confirmed. 
  • How astonishing man is that he speaks with fat, talks with a piece of flesh, hears with a bone and breathes through a hole. 
  • Inability is a disaster; patience is bravery; abstinence is a treasure, self-restrain is a shield; and the best companion is submission to Divine Will. 
  • He who adopts greed devalues himself; he who discloses his hardships to others will face humiliation. 
  • Socialize with people in such a manner that when you die, they should weep for you and as long as you live, they should long for your company. 
  • Two kinds of greedy people never get satisfied; the seeker of knowledge and the seeker of this world. 
  • The worst sin is that which the sinner takes lightly. 
  • Contentment is a wealth that is not exhausted. 
  • The worst friend is he for whom formality has to be observed. 
  • He who guards his secrets retains control in his own hands. 
  • Abstention from wrongdoing is easier than seeking help afterwards. 
  • Greed is a permanent slavery. 
  • Vanity prevents improvement. 
  • O’ son of Adam, whatever you earn beyond your basic needs, you will only be a trustee for someone else to use it. 
  • Inflexibility destroys good advice. 
  • The outcome of fear is disappointment and of shyness is frustration. 
  • The best form of piety is to conceal it. 
  • Remain active in your sickness as long as you can. 
  • He who is abandoned by relatives is dear to the strangers. 
  • Submission to God's will is the cure of the misery of the heart. 
  • Grief accelerates the aging process. 
  • He, who does not know his own worth is doomed to destruction. 
  • Opportunity moves quickly and rarely comes back. 
  • Good physical health comes from lack of jealousy. 
  • When you fall in poverty, trade with God through charity. 
  • The best deed is the one which you have to force yourself to do.

History of Najaf Ashraf

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History     Imam Ali shrine, Najaf 1932. The Najaf area is located 30 km south of the ancient city of Babylon and 400 km north of the ancient Biblical city of Ur. The city itself was reputedly founded in 791 by the Abbasid Caliph Harūn ar-Rashīd, as a shrine to Ali ibn Abi Talib. [14]Ali ibn Abi Talib instructed that his burial place should remain a secret as he had many enemies and he feared that his body might be subjected to some indignity. According to legend the dead body of Ali was placed on a camel which was driven from Kufa. The camel stopped a few miles west of the city and here the body was secretly buried. No tomb was raised and nobody knew of the burial place except for a few trusted people.It is narrated that more than a hundred years later the Abbasid Caliph, Harun al-Rashid, went deer hunting outside Kufa and the deer sought sanctuary at a place where the hounds would not pursue it. On inquiry as to why the place was a sanctuary Harūn ar-Rashīd was told that it was the burial place of Ali. Harūn ar-Rashīd ordered a mausoleum to be built on the spot and in due course the town of Najaf grew around the mausoleum.Under the rule of the Ottoman Empire Najaf experienced severe difficulties as the result of repeated raids by Arab desert tribes and Persian army and acute water shortages caused by the lack of a reliable water supply. The number of inhabited houses in the city had plummeted from 3000 to just 30 by the start of the 16th century.When the Portuguese traveller Pedro Texeira passed through Najaf in 1604, he found the city in ruins, inhabited by little more than 500 people. [15]The city was besieged by the Wahhabis in the late 18th century, which prompted the clergy of the city to arrange for the construction of a wall around the city and under-ground tunnels as a refuge for the women and children if the wall was over-run. These fortifications successfully repelled a Wahhabi siege later on. The water shortages were finally resolved in 1803 with the construction of the Hindiyya canal, following which the city's population rapidly doubled from 30,000 to 60,000.The Ottomans were expelled in an uprising in 1915, following which the city fell under the rule of the British Empire. The sheikhs of Najaf rebelled in 1918, killing the British governor of the city by Sayed Mahdi Al-Awadi and cutting off grain supplies to the Anaza, a tribe allied with the British. In retaliation the British besieged the city and cut off its water supply. The rebellion was put down and the rule of the sheikhs was forcibly ended. A great number of the Shia ulema were expelled into Persia/Iran where they set the foundations for the rise of the city of Qom as the center of the Shia learning and authority in lieu of Najaf. Najaf lost its religious primacy to Qom and was not to regain it until the 21st century and the establishment of a Shia-majority government in Iraq after 2003.

Hazarat Ali a.s Kay Rozay ki 3 Karamaat Aur Mojzaaat

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Hazrat Ali a.s Shrine

  1. Hazrat Ali a.s kay rozay ki 4 dewari main sharab dakhil nai ho sakti. Agar sharab ko ander lay ker jain to wo sirka ban jata hai.
  2. Koi kutta (dog) rozay main dakhil nai hosakta.
  3. Koi b aisa shaks jo nutfa e na tehkeek ya nutf e haram ki paidaish ho wo Hazrat Ali a.s kay rozay main dakhil nai ho sakta. Aur agar koi aisa shaks dakhil honay ki koshish karay to us ki nakseer phoot (naak say khon nikalna) jati hai aur khuddam usay bahar phank day tay hain.

Ager kisi ko shak hai in chezon per to azma lay... kisi ko apnay baray main shak hai kay wo halal zada hai ya haram to Roza mubarak main Qadam rakh ker daikh lay. Jab Ali a.s kay rozay ki ye shan hai to Ali a.s ki khud ki shan kia hogi. Ali a.s Mola.

Isi liye tu hum kehtay hain, Najaf The Heaven

Ishq e Abu Turab a.s

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Ali a.s Nahin to kuch Nahin

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Azmat e Ishq e Ali a.s ibne Abu Talib a.s

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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Shia Photo Art & Wallpaper Gallery

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Welcome to Shia Photo Art & Wallpaper Gallery

You can download all the pictures related to Shia Religion.

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  • Karbala 
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Ya Aba Abdillah al Hussain a.s

As Salam Alaika Ya Abul Fazal Abbas a.s